How To Use ChatGPT For Market Research

Newly launched tools to make creative strategies more efficient always give us an aha moment that we can’t wait to implement and share. This is why we’re revealing what we found useful in our strategy sessions and how to use ChatGPT for market research.

When ChatGPT and similar AI writing tools started becoming available, we immediately clicked around to see what the hype was all about. And we were glad to have found something (a few things actually) that we could plug into our internal systems to revolutionize the way we brainstorm, strategize, and write – starting with market research!

21 Prompts To Ask ChatGPT To Conduct Market Research For Your Business

Try using these ChatGPT marketing prompts to conduct your own brand’s market research, broken down into 3 sections: 

  • Audience
  • Offer
  • Industry

Targeting An Audience For Your Business

It’s impossible to write copy that’s geared toward everyone, but you can potentially narrow your messaging with these questions.

1. What Are The Top Questions My Target Audience Asks About My Business? 

Find out exactly what your audience wants to know about your business so you can hang up the phone. You read that right! Understanding what your audience wants to know about your business allows you to get to know THEM better in return. Find out what they’re looking for, why, and why it matters. You can then answer your FAQs on your website and spend less time on the phone repeating your answers.

2. What Are The Top Objections My Target Audience Has When Investing In My Offer?

Another way to find audience objections is by thinking about what it is that bugs them about your industry. Dig deeper into your audience’s FAQs and find the sore spots that need to be addressed to put uninformed minds at ease.

3. How Would You Describe What My Target Audience Is Struggling With?

You probably already have a good grasp of what your audience struggles with. However, it’s a good idea to get a fresh perspective using online tools to do the heavy lifting for you.

4. How Does My Offer Solve My Target Audience’s Problem?

Pay close attention to how you built your messaging and poke holes if necessary. If the response given doesn’t touch on solving every problem your customer has, you may need to adjust the way you ask this question. You might also need to go back to your customers’ struggles to find which issues are going unresolved.

5. Can You Write A Summary Of My Target Audience?

Asking this question should give you a general idea of what ChatGPT thinks your customers look like based on what it can find. This information allows you to uncover who you typically work with and what opportunities you may be missing out on because of the clarity of your marketing message. 

6. What Does My Audience Want Me To Know?

Use this question as another unique way to find out what your customers want you to know (but maybe don’t have the heart to say out loud) about your business. 

7. Where Does My Ideal Customer Spend Their Time Online?

Finding out where your customers are shopping around can offer big benefits to your marketing strategy. For example, you may find out that your customers are on Instagram or LinkedIn more than Facebook. If you’ve been allocating your budget to Facebook ads, it might be a good idea to cut back and reallocate those funds to the social platforms your customers are already using.

RELATED READ: Is Copywriting Dead In A World Full Of AI Writing?

Up next? 7 more service-based questions to ask ChatGPT for market research.

Service & Offer-Focused

Your marketing works as well as you can tell a story. Learning how to use ChatGPT for market research can help you find a better way to connect your purpose to your audience with the right copy.

8. How Would You Describe The Founding & Growth Of My Business In A Short Story?

Whenever you don’t know where to start, ChatGPT is a solid tool to use when outlining your big ideas. By using what ChatGPT can pull together, you can find areas of your story to improve and connect with your main offer. Underline or circle information you like, don’t like, or find inaccurate to fix it up as you go along. 

9. Can You Describe My Business’s Offering In 1 Sentence?

When all else fails, simplify, simplify, simplify!

Explore different ways of wording your offer so that it fits into one sentence with clarity. Your offer shouldn’t sound too detailed or complicated and should sound like your brand’s voice and tone. Our offering, for example, is…

FocusCopy® caffeinates your brand messaging so it energizes your target audience to take action.

See? Simple, clear, and on brand (for us that is).

10. How Would You Describe The Features Of My Offer?

Your features should include everything your services or products do for your customers like…

  • Open 24/7
  • Valet Parking
  • Video Calls Available

You should then be able to turn these features into benefits.

11. How Would You Summarize The Benefits Of My Offer?

As you identify your features, you can further develop the benefits that your customers get to experience like…

  • All-Day Appointment Times
  • 5-Star Valet Service Handles Parking For You
  • Get Started Right At Home With Video Calling

Find what you believe will speak to your audience best and use them consistently throughout your marketing campaigns.

12. Can You Write 20 Different Ways To Describe My Service Or Offer In A Short Paragraph?

From social media posts and newsletters to email campaigns and beyond, it’s challenging to make an offer sound exciting time and time again. Asking this question in ChatGPT allows you to uncover various ways to word your offer so your copy doesn’t go stale. You can save these ideas to tweak and use later.

13. What Are The Top 5 FAQs About My Business’s Offering?

Did you know that verified businesses average 1,803 monthly views from Google searches? Finding out what questions online users have gives you the power to offer detailed answers across your other digital platforms like your website and Google Business profile. 

14. What New Service Would Encourage Or Attract New Customers To My Business?

Use all ideas as a jumping-off point to get your creative juices flowing. Tack these ideas to your next meeting agenda and bounce them off of your team members to open up advanced strategy conversations. Also, don’t forget to include reliable industry research to back up your claims!

Give your business the jolt it needs to convert clicks into customers. Book Discovery call.

Asking The Right Questions About Your Industry

Get industry-specific by asking these questions…

15. How Satisfied Are Customers With The Existing Service Offerings In The Market?

Add to what you know is out there on the market in your industry by digging into what people have to say about those experiences. Take notes of what you could improve or pull back on to make your marketing strategy more effective.

15. Who Are The Top 3 Competitors For My Business’s Industry? 

Learn more about exactly who your audience turns to when they aren’t buying from your business. You can even ask some of the same questions above to figure out your competitors’ go-to brand voice, messaging, and benefits.

16. What Are 5 Common Misconceptions About My Industry?

Ever wish you could debunk common industry-related misconceptions impacting your business? Plug this question into ChatGPT to learn more about how you can address these concerns while adding value to your messaging.

17. How Would You Compare My Business To My Competitors?

If this question is tough to swallow, that’s okay! It’s hard to take feedback about the business you’ve worked so hard to build. But this can also be a huge chance to learn what others in your industry are doing for their marketing efforts. Not to “steal” anything, but to analyze and see if those strategies can also work for your business. It never hurts to try something new when you’re feeling stuck.

18. How Would You Describe Current Market Trends In My Industry?

Gauging marketing trends in your industry is an ideal time to get the team together and brainstorm what’s possible for the future of your business. You don’t need to follow every single trend. But this is a cool way to discover what your marketing plan might be missing to boost your business’s ROI. 

19. How Does Technology Impact The Industry And How Can I Use It To My Advantage?

If there’s a faster, simpler, smarter way to do something, you better believe people are talking about it online. From emerging AI and automation to CRM applications and more, you never know what you could be missing out on. In fact, we have our own Tech Stack collection that you can check out here.

20. What Are Pricing Trends For My Industry In 2023?

Asking this question can help you answer some of your own questions like…

  • Am I pricing my services correctly?
  • What do my competitors charge?
  • What offers are typically included or free?

Again, using this information (while fact-checking your sources) gives you a good idea of where your business stands compared to the rest of the market you’re in.

21. What Are The Buying Practices Of Gen Z, Millennials, & Gen X?

We highly recommend looking into what the future of your business could look like. Ask questions about what future generations will come to expect from businesses like yours.

Knowing How To Use ChatGPT For Market Research Isn’t Simply For Marketing Professionals

When was the last time you looked into your market research?

If the data you have doesn’t align with your business today, it’s time for a research (and copy) refresh. 

Need copywriting for your business to put all of this information together in one easy-to-use packet? Your copy baristas are in!

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