Want the pros and cons of AI for content writing without any bias? Many people expect us as copywriters to tear AI writing to shreds (we won’t) out of fear of it replacing our expertise.
P.S. It won’t, but we’ll get into that later.
We will fully admit that we’ve had (and still have) questions about AI for content writing and its future impact on businesses across the world. We’re not doing this to poke holes in its possibilities…We believe in the power of technology!
What we want to do is approach AI writing with an open mind while remaining diligent about answering a few pressing questions like…Can I use AI copy for my business without dealing with copyright infringement?
Is AI writing plagiarism?
Can I trust AI to routinely write optimized copy for my business?
Will AI be able to fully replace my copywriting team?
Let’s dive into all the pros and cons of AI for content writing!
The Cons of AI For Content Writing
Without sugarcoating, let’s get directly into the cons of AI writing.
1. AI Lacks Creativity & Authenticity
AI writing is an excellent tool for certain parts of the writing process. But using it to completely mimic your brand’s voice, tone, and personality is nearly impossible. And this is why…
Creativity requires a human touch. AI is not able to convey genuine human experiences because it cannot feel or express emotions as we understand them. This makes asking AI to write about certain experiences a headache-inducing task.
When AI is prompted to write about an experience in first person, it may use several general descriptors without being able to connect with the reader further. Even with all of the right information in front of it, AI will never be able to describe what you felt as an entrepreneur opening your doors or launching your website for the first time. Because it’s an experience unlike any other – it’s human.
P.S. We are working on how to prompt AI writing tools to better understand your voice and brand so that it can provide more authentic results. Be sure to subscribe to our Copy Roast to be the first to know when they are out!
2. AI May Provide Inaccurate Information
In a dream world, AI researches AND writes everything perfectly the first time around – artfully capturing your brand in every way. It’s an incredible idea but current AI capabilities are much further away from this reality than you may realize. This is why AI writing continues to confuse business owners. Because AI writing should be able to take over all copywriting, right? Not at all.
The thing about AI for content writing is that because it pulls together all information online, it isn’t capable of deciphering which data is reliable or current. This means that while you can prompt AI to write almost anything, you must also have the time, know-how, and resources to spend dedicated to fact-checking and correcting information.
Also, AI responds best to extremely detailed, specific writing prompts. If you have trouble expressing your thoughts and ideas, getting your prompt just right can be a time-sucker itself.
You can avoid both of these issues entirely by having a professional copywriter write your website for you with unique, optimized content. It’s a good idea to have a copy audit of your business copy if you need help finding where you stand.
3. AI Does Not Protect You Against Plagiarism Or Copyright Infringement
Plagiarism and copyright laws have everyone from creative professionals to academic institutions wondering how AI writing will have an impact. And entrepreneurs want to know…Is it legal to use AI writing for my business including AI-produced taglines, naming ideas, mission and vision statements, etc.?
Brand messaging may be produced by AI. But if it’s still being published by your organization, YOU will likely remain liable. AI writing is such a new tool that it makes zero promises about its long-term use and impact – focusing most on its ability to churn out lengthy copy in seconds.
Simply be aware as you use AI-generated copy and check that it is not already being owned or used by another business. Doing so could get you into some real legal trouble with a copyright infringement attorney.
Beyond plagiarism, many publishing organizations are now requiring disclosures if you use artificial intelligence to produce your content.
The Pros of AI For Content Writing
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get into the pros of AI writing. Here’s a hint…automation is everything.
Don’t forget to join Copy Roast for relevant AI content and copywriting tips.
1. AI Produces Ideas Quickly
Many people absolutely hate writing. It’s time-consuming, tedious, and takes brain power. AI helps you break down your writing tasks into smaller segments.
For example, you can use AI to help you brainstorm and sift through topics to be sure they align with your company and brand. As you tweak your prompt, it should be able to refine your results better. Think about using prompts like…
Come up with 10 modernized ways to market my [business industry or product] business.
What email marketing examples can assist in boosting sales for my [company or product]?
What are the latest most-discussed topics related to [your industry]?
Even if you don’t fully agree or understand every suggestion, it’s a good way to get the creative juices flowing. With vague and short prompts like this, we usually get 1-2 sparks that lead to some brilliant ideas.
2. AI Offers A Great Starting Point For High-Level Information Or Ideas
As you transition from generating topics, AI is also good for organizing high-level information and ideas.
Instead of seeing a blog as one huge undertaking, for example, you can use AI to help you strategize and map its flow for your audience. With a solid outline, you can easily fill in each section of your blog with your unique thoughts and suggestions.
AI is also fantastic for note-taking as it can transcribe, add time stamps, provide a table of contents, and much more. This is a BIG win for copywriters as it frees up our resources (especially in meetings) to focus on our client’s creative vision rather than simply recording what’s being said, leading us to touch on the relationship between…
3. Cultivating The Relationship Between AI & Creatives
Creatives and AI are extremely familiar with one another (trust us, we go way back). AI isn’t new to copywriting or marketing. Older office assistant applications like Clippy have been around since the 90s. Ever since then, copywriters and other creatives have implemented as much AI as possible to streamline non-creative workflows.
Again, it’s important to know that using AI for content writing is a tool, not a replacement for writing. Even AI software like Grammarly and Monica seem to agree…

Using AI as an assistant is helpful to…
- Spellcheck
- Fix grammar mistakes
- Clean up punctuation errors
- Make structural suggestions
You get the idea. When it comes to automation for tedious tasks that don’t require a huge amount of creativity, we’re all in.
Creatives & AI Technologies Make One Hot Pair
Over the years, we’ve accomplished so much in the digital space with assistance from AI and will continue to work together in the future. Doing so helps make creative services more accessible and affordable to business owners without compromising the quality of creative work needed. Don’t miss a thing when you join Copy Roast for the latest marketing updates.