What is it about your business that offers value to your buyers or investors?
Are the customer benefits of your business special compared to competitors?
Chances are, you already know the answer to these questions. But you may not be getting the message across on all platforms in the best way possible. One of the best methods you can use is asking yourself these questions, then asking, “so what?”
Then ask, “so what?” again.
Read on and look at how you can transform features into benefits in 3 simple steps.
Using The “So What” Effect To Transform Features Into Benefits
It may be clear to you why your business helps others. But, is it transparent for customers? Are the benefits readily apparent to someone who is seeing or hearing about your company for the first time?
Next, get in the minds of your customers and figure out why they should care about you. Ask yourself, “so what?” when it comes to what your business has to offer. You can get in the minds of your customers and figure out why they should care. It may sound harsh, but when it comes to people spending their money, they want to know that whatever they’re purchasing will solve a problem they already have.
Now that we’ve broken down the ‘so what effect,’ we can move onto the 3 things you can do to turn your business’ features into customer benefits.
1. Define Your Features And Omit Any Complications
When outlining your company’s features, it’s helpful to put yourself in your customers’ shoes. For example, instead of listing out everything you feel makes you unique, consider whether it may confuse your audience.
You want to avoid making your customers feel overwhelmed and confused at what you have to say. Define only the features that make your business stand out.
Next, strip away anything that makes your message too cluttered. Clear up mixed messages by doing the following:
Cap Off Common Features
Can a common feature be a benefit?
Let’s go over features versus benefits for a quick second. A feature is something your business or product has or can offer. A benefit is the resulting feeling or outcome a customer experiences when they use your service.
Now let’s place features and benefits into the perspective of a potential customer. If your business has something widely offered and can be found anywhere else, there is no use in listing these typical features. They won’t stand out or convince your customer to make a purchase.
Gain Attention With Distinct Branding And An Incredible Offer
Here’s your chance to rise above your competitors. Once you’ve defined what makes your business special and stripped away standard features, you have a moment to truly shine. With a unique brand voice and a more distinct message, you can count on customers remembering who you are and why they should choose you over the competition.
Delete Information That’s Too Detailed Or Complex
When looking at your company’s copy, your audience should easily understand what you have to offer without too many of the extras. Keep it simple. List features that benefit your consumers and not just you as a company. If it can’t offer value to your customers somehow, it probably shouldn’t show up at all.
2. Find Out Why It Matters (And What Makes It So Special)
Here’s where you need to break it down for customers with a straightforward explanation why your business is the better option.
It is essential to understand that you don’t need to bash or put down other businesses to come out on top. Spread the word about your business by showing off the positives in a way that keeps you on the high road.
You can use customer testimonials to show off what you do best. Create marketing campaigns and videos that reflect your personality in a fun and informative way. You can also strategize email marketing or other outlets to answer some frequently asked questions (FAQ) and set the focus on your business as a solution.
Remember when we talked about asking yourself, “so what?”
Here’s your chance to use the answers you came up with and decide whether or not it adds value to your customer’s life. Does it solve their problem? If not, it may be time to rethink and adjust until you find an answer that works.
3. Redefine Your Message To Highlight Your Customer Benefits
Now, you’ve defined your features and figured out why they matter to your customer. From here, you have everything you need to construct copy built around transforming these same features into benefits.
It helps to have an experienced group of copywriters to research, plan, and write the content you need in your voice and tone. A good copywriter will begin with an audit on your assets and pinpoint what could use some sprucing up. They will equally make a note of content that works well and infuse it into new copy.
Your copy will quickly take on a clear and more refined meaning with a few revisions and edits.
Finally, you can pose a question to your audience that ties up your refreshed messaging in a neat package. Think along the lines of…
- Could You Use Snore-Free Nights?
- Does Your Credit Card Offer Cash Back?
An intriguing question will cause your audience to think of an issue they want to solve or consider an easier solution to a problem they didn’t realize they had.
Once you’ve got your customer base hooked, you will be more successful at reeling them in and closing the sale.
Compelling Copy Leads To Conversions
Here’s the truth… Your business could offer the top choice on the market in whatever industry you’re in. However, weak or vague writing across your website, print assets, email marketing efforts, and so on destroy your credibility and force customers to go elsewhere – resulting in diminished sales.
Make sure your message is well written, professional, and executed consistently. Use a copywriting team that knows about creating copy that converts potential customers into a loyal following.
Does your business need a bit of a marketing boost through concise copywriting? Contact us today to have a chat about what your business needs to define your brand messaging.
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