Automated Email Campaigns

5 Automated Email Campaigns To Streamline Your Follow-Up

Life is hectic with the constant noise, never-ending notifications, and distractions galore. It’s only amplified when you’re an entrepreneur, wearing multiple hats to manage your business(es). And all that busyness doesn’t leave you much time to send out emails to stay in touch with your prospects or customers. 

Enter stage left…Automated email campaigns

These are amazing tools to add to your marketing toolkit and help you to further build your know, like, and trust factors – which you should always be working on even after you’ve signed the client. 

But where do you start? Which campaigns do you need to focus on first? After managing email lists of over 27,000 and testing numerous campaigns for dozens of companies, we’ve identified 6 automated email campaigns every company needs. 

Implement These Automated Email Campaigns

The whole goal of implementing these automated email campaigns is to free up your time while still building brand equity with your audience. 

Indoctrination Campaign

Indoctrination is where you introduce yourself to your audience and give them the lay of the land. My Co-Founder, Stuart Broderick, jokes that this type of campaign sounds like what aliens would use. But if aliens came to Earth, they’d need to tell us how they now want to run the planet.

I digress…Indoctrination campaigns are simply 3-5 email campaigns that introduce you to them, share more about how they can connect with your brand on a deeper level, and set communication expectations. 

You can send subscribers into this campaign after they’ve:

Networking Follow-Up Campaign

Any introverts reading this blog? As a BIG introvert, I tend to avoid networking events like the plague. Because of that, I’ve found that networking one-on-one is a lot more productive for me. But all that time invested into those conversations would be wasted if I neglected to follow back up with them and book another conversation. 

That’s why it’s so important to implement a networking follow-up campaign. 

After every networking meeting, I put them in a campaign to follow up on a given timeframe to schedule another call. 

What’s funny is that the timing is usually perfect because they are now thinking back to their conversations and they think I’m on top of following up. 

Can I tell you a secret? Follow-up is the last thing I want to do at the end of the day. So I’ve automated it. And the results have been amazing. 

Long Term Nurture Campaign

Want to shorten your sales cycle? Frustrated with prospects ghosting you after what seemed hopeful? Feel like your current follow-up strategy isn’t effective? 

Cue the long term nurture campaign. 

This campaign is filled with regular emails that educate, inspire, and make your prospects think. When we first launched this type of campaign in March 2022, we weren’t really sure what to expect. Would prospects get annoyed? What could we even expect? 

The results astounded us. 

We had referrals that had gone cold for 2 years reach back out to us for services. Others needed a quarter or two to come back to the conversation. Prospects also implemented some of the tips we included in our emails and saw a lot of success. 

But what did we write about? We’ve included all the prompts we used inside this free guide

Referral Partner Nurture Campaign

Similar to the long term nurture campaign, you need to follow up with your referral partners – the people who are working with your target audience. Educate them how they can refer you, add value to their client conversations, and even improve their businesses. 

Sales Meeting Follow-Up Campaign

Lastly, sales follow-up is essential. Something as simple as a “thank you for your time today” goes a long way for the relationship. After each sales call, we trigger a response based on the outcome. The emails always include a “thank you”. But we have several outcomes to set expectations: 

  • Requested a quote
  • Wanted a pricing list
  • Ordered a proposal
  • Want to hold off until a future date

Of course, we probably over-customized. So feel free to implement a simple thank you email!

Use These Prompts To Improve Your Automated Campaigns

At the end of the day, it’s one thing to say you need to set up automated campaigns. And in reality, they are fairly easy to set up. But it’s an entirely different task to actually write the copy for each of those emails. That’s why we developed and tested 52 prompts that you can use to steer your writing process

Maintaining meaningful connections with your clients is still possible when using automated technology to do so. Find out for yourself!

Prospects Slipping Through The Cracks Of Your Sales Pipeline?

You may be leaving money on the table if you aren’t following up with them regularly and relationally.