How do you know for sure when it’s time to rework and improve your website copy?
There are a few tell-tale signs, but the biggest indicator is that your business is slowing down. You may feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. But there’s no need to panic because you can help yourself by making changes to your website right away.
Maybe you’ve reached a lull in your day-to-day. You may find yourself spending less time speaking to customers and making sales. Or you could be having an entirely different problem altogether. Perhaps you are talking to people, but they’re the wrong crowd. This may leave you asking yourself, “Where are these people finding me?”
You’re not alone. It happens to businesses everywhere. But what most companies don’t know is that it could be their website. And since 88% of users won’t revisit a site once they’ve had a bad experience, altering your copy for the better is something to consider. If your website isn’t self-explanatory, concise, or geared towards the right audience, it may be time to improve your website copy.
Need new website copy on a timeline that works for you? Reach out about our web writing services.
When To Improve Your Website Copy
If you’re running into these problems, it’s time to reevaluate what your website is truly telling people.
1. You Keep Answering The Same Questions In All Your Calls
Picture this… You pick up the phone or respond to an email, and you end up answering all of the same questions all day long. What gives!?
If you know for a fact that people are visiting your website but continue to call anyway, they may not be getting the correct information they need upfront. This can be frustrating for several reasons. It’s a waste of time repeating yourself and is disheartening for both you and your customer. Wouldn’t it be better if everything they needed was right there online? Chances are, you’re paying for your website anyway. So, you might as well get the most out of your money and make it go further with fresh copy.
Update your website copy and make sure to include the following:
- Who you are
- What your business does
- How your business helps customers
- Easy-to-find FAQ answers
- Contact information throughout the website
- Pricing upfront (you can always give a starting point)
Have each one of these elements ready to go on your website, and you should be golden.
2. The Leads You’re Getting Aren’t The Ones You’re After
There’s nothing more disappointing than talking to someone who you realize doesn’t need your services at all. It can be even more confusing if they end up asking for a business or service similar but not the same as yours. So, where do you go from here? Take a look at your website’s copy and then have others outside your organization give their honest feedback. Find out what it’s saying to them and where there’s a disconnect. Then, when you see where your website is having trouble, approach the following areas with rewritten copy:
Target the right keywords. You can also pinpoint keywords you audience is searching for when looking for your business. For example, some SEO tools may tell you to rank for “health coach” but you know your audience would search for “functional medicine”. SEO tools are simply that… Tools! Use your brain to steer your keyword research.
Homepage Copy
Be direct and let customers know what you offer and how you can help. Don’t forget a call-to-action button. Nearly 70% of small businesses end up leaving one out! If you don’t want people calling you, don’t list a phone number. BUT if you want people to schedule a discovery call instead, link your calendar to the primary button.
If you need to make adjustments in your branding of any kind, ensure that’s reflected in your website copy as well.
3. It’s Time To Improve Your Website Copy Because The Line Is Dead
Here’s the worst-case scenario… You’re not getting any leads at all! Again, this is disappointing but shouldn’t hinder your efforts to make a change.
Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to figure out where you should start:
- Is my website easy to navigate? Are there any broken links?
- Am I working on my SEO?
- Are there any significant errors in my website’s writing?
- Is my contact information all there?
If anything seems to be completely off, now is the time to act and change it. Once you’ve answered these questions, you can even make a checklist of what you need to do before you get started.
4. Business Has Changed Due To The Pandemic Or For Other Reasons
The pandemic has taken a significant toll on businesses worldwide. Many companies scrambled to make drastic changes to their business models. However, while doing so, you may have missed updating your entire company website. That’s okay because you can do it now.
Go page by page and read through your business’s website copy. Find out where you need to make changes or updates and write them down on a to-do list. Consider improving your website copy for the following COVID-related reasons:
- You’ve made alterations to safety protocols
- Shipping and delivery has changed
- You have team members listed who no longer work there
- Appointments or scheduling is different
In addition to changes prompted by the pandemic, you might have changed your branding and need your website copy to match it. It’s essential to keep your website copy up-to-date, primarily if it affects your customers.
5. Your Website Has A High Bounce Rate
For starters, your bounce rate is the number of times someone views your website and ends up leaving quickly. This type of behavior typically tells us that your website isn’t what they’re looking for or the information on it is insufficient enough for them to take action.
There are a few tools you can use to check your website’s bounce rate, including:
- Google Analytics (free)
- Statcounter
What Is A Good Or Bad Bounce Rate?
You’ll want to aim for a bounce rate between 26 to 40 percent. An average bounce rate is between 41 to 55 percent. A bounce rate between 56 to 70 may mean you want to make improvements to your website copy. If you see a bounce rate of over 70 percent, it’s time for a facelift for your website.
When Your Website Isn’t Speaking The Right Language For Your Industry…
There’s FocusCopy. We’re a team of writers who connect with you to understand what you do and who you are. We dive deep into your business goals and what you’d like to accomplish. Then, we take on the task of writing for your business with your target clientele in mind. Download our free guide to start updating your home page with ease.

When Was The Last Time You Updated Your Home Page?
Answer these 6 questions and spruce up your home page in 15 minutes (or less).